Po-Hsuan Li
M. Arch of Univ. of Washington
WELLS Founding Partner
Taiwanese Registered Architect
Principal of Po-Hsuan Li Architect Associates
美國 華盛頓大學 建築碩士
台北李伯軒建築師事務所 主持建築師
Po Hsuan Li, graduated from University of Washing- ton with an outstanding design achievement honor. He had been in Seattle, Shanghai and Taipei among his over a decade’s experience in architecture profes- sional field; and currently based in Taipei. He is also the founding partner of WELLS design studio.
The experience from oversea design companies like LMN Architects, Mulvanny G2, Altoon Partners and LINK design group brings him a broad view of glob- al culture, and is capable to manage and coordinate large scale oversea projects and teams. He had also been in charge of the design management between the local construction and foreign design team in Ar- chitectural Pursuer developer (Taipei). He experts at designing retail, higrise and educational building types, and bridging the design and construction.
李伯軒先生以設計首獎的優異表現畢業於美國華盛頓大學。從事建築設計業二十年。其在西雅圖、上海與台北皆有多年經驗。為WELLS design studio之創始合夥人之一。曾於LMN Architects, Mulvanny G2, Altoon Partners, LINK Design Group 等跨國設計公司擔任設計主創及總監等職 位。並於台北擔任建築學人地產公司之設計主管,管理並解決國際設計師與工地間之設計落實難題。在商業/城市綜合體, 教育辦公類建築以及綠建築,細部設計等專業有豐富的經驗。

Charles Shen
M. Arch of Pratt Institute
WELLS Founding Partner
美國 普瑞特藝術學院 建築碩士
Mr. Charles Shen, graduated from Pratt Institute Ar- chitecture school, had over decade’s experience in his professional field in Taipei, New York and Shanghai city. Currently he is living in Shanghai. He is also the founding partner of WELLS design studio.
Mr. Shen worked for Sun Associate in Taipei, Peter Macapia in New York, AS. Architecture-Studio in Shanghai, and Aedas Shanghai office. These working ex- perience make him has strong ability in design and coordination, also capable to offer diverse and profes- sional design service in culture, hotel, HQ office, and retail building types.
沈家石先生畢業於美國紐約普瑞特藝術學院,曾在台北、紐約、上海各地擁有二十年之建築設計經驗,為WELLS design studio創始合夥人之一。曾於台北孫德鴻建築師事務所 (Sun Associate), 紐約Peter Macapia studio, 上海 AS Architecture Studio,及上海Aedas等跨國建築設計公司任職。這些工作經歷讓他具備很強的設計與組織協調能力,更讓他在文化建築、酒店、總部辦公樓、及商業建築等方面,能提供多元及專業的設計服務。

B.S Arch of Ohio State University
WELLS Design Director
美國 俄亥俄州州立大學 建築學士
CT Yeh, graduated from The Ohio State University with degree in architecture, and had over a decade of experience in architectural design. Prior to starting his own practice, he worked for Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) and io architects in New York city,AECOM Design+Plan-ning in Shanghai, and Yehs architects in Taipei, projects range from educational/cultural fa-cility,commercial/office,resort/hotel,residential,interior design to large urban planning. With his professional experience in design, he expects to respond to architectural practice with forward-thinking solutions and collaborative ideas.
葉仲之先生畢業於美國俄亥俄州州立大學建築學系,擁有二十年之專業建築設計背景,曾於紐約Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC (KPF)、紐約io Architects LLP、上海AECOM D+P、台北葉思建築設計 ,各建築師事務所及工程顧問公司任職。主要項目經驗包含教育文化設施、商業辦公、旅遊度假村、酒店、住宅、室內設計、和大型城市規劃等類型。期許以自身專業經驗對建築實踐各面向提出前瞻的對應方式以及對空間與環境的整合性思考。

Chi-Chun Huang
M. Arch of NCKU
WELLS Architect
ZE Arch Founder & Principal
Taiwanese Registered Architect
台灣 成功大學 建築碩士
未來示 建築師
至邑建築師事務所 主持建築師
2011 成立至邑建築事務所
2014 獲臺北市政府聘任為都市整建維護專業人員研習班講師
2016 與季沃設計合作,提供整體建築設計.室內空間規劃至施工服務
2018 台北市危老重建推動師,持續為大台北地區都市環境的改造投注心力